welcome to
<home page
Would you be interested in sharing durso.org for your
web site and/or mailing address?
The company netidentity would
have you pay $24.95-$100/year for an e-mail
of durso.com. Nameplanet
as of today (19 Nov 05) offers durso.net for $185. I bid $50 if
you wish to outbid me, but hey thats approximately what I paid for
durso.org in 1999. Today I see domains for as little as $2.50/yr.
Owing the name outright means that I can set up fairly unlimited
e-mail, web
other servers on the internet. As its cheap and simple enough however I
choose to use other peoples hosting equipment over buying the necessary
connection onto the internet and configuring and powering the many
necessary servers. I can publish a number of web pages, sub
domains and have 200 mailboxes. Further, I can extend the
forwarding service to others without additional cost and I hope little
configuration. I have done
for my immediate family and would be happy to do it for you provided
you meet the following criteria:
- You must have some claim to the name durso, be it
your surname, first name, nickname, club, organization, business, or
whatever. Please don't consider this for a generic forwarding or
method of anonymity. Try an automated
services such as provided by granitecanyon
for this purpose.
- You must not abuse nor degrade the domain. D'Urso is my
family name. It is the name I do business under, and share my
interests with. Do not post materials, business,
interests or services that are sultry, illegal, unethical, questionably
immoral, a nuisance, or extremely
embarrassing on a page derived from this domain. The same goes
auto redirection, and as the name may be used for email address.
I won’t necessarily be monitoring other people's pages, but do
appreciate being alerted to abuse.
- You will forgive me for allowing you to get yourself into trouble
and not hold me responsible for any damage that occurs on the world
wide web. The WWW is a public place, surprise!, and
just like any other public place there are creeps and just many people
you will not agree with. Pages on this site can be hacked into
and vandalized, what private information you choose to share of your
personal information could be compromised, and you could very well
increase your spam load with an email forwarder or another email box
@durso.org. I will do whatever I can to help you out, but you
must always remember that (1) you are responsible for your own safety
(thankfully this is in regards to mostly just your image and other
intangibles such as money), (2) I do not know everything about internet
security, safety and how to keep us perfectly safe, and (3) even if I
did I just can't monitor this site 24/7/365. When my client PayPal
(an internet payments service) gets hacked into and I am
somehow knowledgeable or responsible for that break in, I may get a
call at 2 a.m. from the operations staff to help fix the
problem. If durso.org gets compromised hopefully I can quickly
detect the problem and shut it down. It will be corrected if and
when I have the spare time. All this being said, I spend an
inordinate amount of time on this public forum that is the internet,
and find that it is marvelous way of sharing information, as is the
motto at PayPal - "People are basically good".
- Finally, you must accept that I am the owner of the domain
and have final say on
all matters. I may withdraw my offer to forward or host anyone
for any reason. Further name resolution or forwarding service may
fail due
to neglect or service outages. I shall retain the right to sell
or transfer
the underlying domain.
Caveats aside I recommend that you use this or another forwarding
service for your e-mail and web content. For years I have used my
professional ACM account to forward to my current mail account.
Mail, internet service
provider(ISP)s and world wide web servers for me at least seem to
change annually.
can avoid the headache of having to mail everyone with your new
mailbox, collect
your e-mail from a former ISP or keep track on which obsolete addresses
still forwarding your mail.
Most importantly its nice to have a good name in the first
place! chris@durso.org
and http://chris.durso.org is a lot better than
anythingAvailable452@yahoo.com or
The domain name is after all an abstraction to the internet addressing
human readability.
Links to www.durso.org directly
or indirectly through this page would be appreciated, as they will
increase hits through your site and as my site gets sucked up through
the various robots employed by search engine companies.
If you are interested send me a note explaining who you are and what
or web addresses would like to use (e.g. yourName@durso.org,
Christopher D’Urso
<home page